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秉承“专业、诚挚、”的服务宗旨,国科知识产权面向华南地区、 国科知识产权[1]华东地区以及东北地区各地市申请人和合作伙伴提供及时、的知识产权法律服务,申请业务流程完全采用电子方式,可以在时间完成国内外专利申请、商标注册、软件登记、版权登记、条码申请、海关备案等知识产权申请业务,取得国家知识产权局、国家商标局、国家版权局等主管部门的确权法律文件;为企业和个人提供专利侵权诉讼、商标打假查处、版权许可代理、全球专利文献检索、知识产权法律顾问等多元化的综合知识产权法律服务。 配合企业产品市场拓展及国际化,国科知识产权联合专业检测机构和实验室向中外企业提供中国3C强制产品认证,美国联邦通信委员会FCC认证、美国保险商实验室公司UL认证及ROHS认证,欧盟CE认证,德国GS产品认证等专项服务。[2]Gocome Intellectual Property is the famous professional intellectual property service company in China,designated by the State Intellectual Property Office and the Trademark Bureau of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce. Gocome Intellectual Property has set up main office in Shenzhen and offices in Dongguan, Huizhou,Guangzhou,Shenyang,Dalian,Fushun, providing both the domestic and foreign-related clients with a broad spectrum of legal services on intellectual properties. The firm has a team of experts in every field of intellectual property and related laws, all enthusiastically committed to the goal of client service. Under our guideline of "Professional, Pure, Prompt", we provide filing programs, IP portfolio strategy and management services to fit the needs and budgets of all our clients. Through diligence and a commitment to providing superior service, we are growing rapidly and has gained remarkable reputation and trust from our clients.

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